Who we are

The humble beginnings of Elora Design ...

We're so easily fall into the trap of trying to fit the expectations of what other's think we should be.

On my journey of redefining me and breaking free from stereotypes Elora Design came to life. I realized we're all tapestries of complexity. We cannot be fitted into boxes. Beauty is found when you find yourself. We're born unique and each one has their own story to tell. Elora Design offers personalized gifts, announcements and keepsake - because everyone deserves to tell their own story.

The end of an amazing chapter and the starting of a new one - the story behind Perfect Little Gifts ...
It is said that one is a success when you have left the world better than you found it, have never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty and never failed to express it, if you looked for the best in others and gave the best you’ve had. Eldine dreamed big and oftentimes her dreams were bigger than her resources, but that didn’t stop her. She fought every obstacle on her knees. Eldine lived a life that burned so bright, others’ paths were lit. She left the world a better place. Our hearts are filled with sorrow, a sorrow that is deep and personal since Eldine has silently closed the door of life. Our lives are empty in the areas that she had brightened for us.

Stimulating and educating children was very close to Eldine’s heart. As a result of her passion and love for young minds, Perfect Little Gifts was born in 2016. Perfect Little Gifts specializes in various handmade educational gifts for babies, toddles and children alike. It is a great privilege to continue Perfect Little Gifts based on the same values and passion.
May everyone be blessed in abundance.